Parent Information
School Day— Our school day is from 8:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.
Before School — Students may enter the building at 7:30 a.m. at which time they may go to the cafeteria for breakfast, or to their classrooms. Students arriving between 7:45 and 7:55 should go straight to their classroom. If a student arrives after 8:00 a.m., they should go to the office for a tardy slip, then report to their classroom.
Warrior Wrap-Up — We have a school-wide assembly on Friday afternoons at 2:30 in the gym. Parents and patrons are welcome to attend.
Dismissal — Students are dismissed from class at the end of the day according to how they get home. Day Care riders are dismissed at 2:55 to go to the gym and wait for their ride. Walkers are dismissed at 3:00. Bus riders are released at 3:00 to meet in their designated area then walk to their bus. Car riders are released at 2:55 to go to the gym and wait for their ride.
Thursday Folders — Thursday Folders are teacher/parent communication folders that go home with students each Thursday. They contain schoolwork and other information from the school or teacher. Parents are welcome to use this folder to communicate with their student’s teacher.
Discipline Folders — Discipline Folders are a tool used by the school to communicate with parents about their student’s conduct at school. If there is a problem at school the teacher will sign the student’s green discipline folder and send it home with the student that day for the parent to sign and the student to bring back to school the next day. All discipline folders will also be sent home on Thursdays in the Thursday Folder.
Title I Program- Our title program services all students in the building. It is an extra reading small group time where one of our 3 title teachers will focus on each students academic needs.
Specials— Specials classes are Music, Art, Physical Education, STEM, Library/Counselor, and Computer Lab. Students attend these classes daily on a rotating basis.
Learning Lab — We have two full-time learning lab teachers who work with students who have qualified for special services. For more information contact our Learning Lab teachers, Email Tracey Todd or Email Jessica Scott.
Speech — We have a full-time speech teacher who works with students who have qualified for special services. For more information contact our Speech teacher, Email Stephanie Conine Anderson. We also have a speech teacher who works with our hearing impaired students. For more information contact Email Ashley Guest.